Mask Group 43

Medically Reviewed by Lisa A. Turner, DDS, MSD

Dental issues and tooth loss due to injury, tooth decay, or periodontal disease seem inevitable regardless of how hard we try to take care of our teeth. Initially, bridges and dentures were the only options for replacing missing teeth. Luckily, dental implants are here to make things better.

Dental implant surgery rehabilitates your mouth by replacing tooth roots metal, screw-like posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial ones that look and function just like your real teeth. Implants can be permanently fixed or removable, improving your general appearance, smile, oral health, speech, comfort, and ease of eating.

What Is a Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

A full mouth rehabilitation is not as complicated as it sounds. It basically entails the combination of restorative dental treatment procedures, including dental implants to fix your dental issues. The term is also used to refer to any dental treatment procedure that affects all the teeth in your mouth.

If your teeth are worn down or are missing, you experience chronic dental pain, dental trauma, or you have severe gum disease, it might be time to get a full mouth rehabilitation or reconstruction.

How Does a Periodontist Do Full Mouth Reconstruction?

During the procedure, the periodontist rebuilds and/replaces all of the teeth in your mouth by combining esthetics with the science of restorative dentistry to improve the health, function, and beauty of the mouth. Depending on the severity of your condition, your periodontist can recommend:

  • Dental implants
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Non-surgical procedures
  • Extractions, or
  • Periodontal surgery.

During a dental implant, the periodontist surgically implants a titanium post, which is similar to a tooth root, into the jawbone to facilitate replacement teeth or bridges to be fixed. The entire procedure can take up to 6 months; for the two surgeries and two additional follow-up visits.

How Many Dental Implants Can Safely Be Done at Once?

Dental implants are among the safest and strongest dentistry procedures for replacing your missing teeth. The number of dental implants is unlimited provided you need to get your teeth replaced. But your periodontist determines the number of dental implants that are safe for you, depending on your needs, the volume of jaw bone density and the expected recovery period.

While some prefer having all the implants (32) at once, you can schedule several appointments to spread the recovery period and avoid the soreness or discomfort that comes with replacing all the teeth at once.

For more information about full mouth restoration via dental implants, contact our experts at 941-497-5591.