To prepare for a safe and successful procedure, we advise all of our patients to follow a few basic steps.
Pick Up Your Prescriptions
You will be prescribed an antibiotic to help prevent infection. Start this antibiotic on the day of surgery. Continue taking all of your other prescription medications as directed, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. If you are taking any supplements, ask your doctor whether it is alright to continue taking them.
Arrange Transportation and Care
The effects of anesthesia will leave you feeling groggy, making it important that you bring another adult with you who can drive you home safely.
Stock Up on Soft Foods
Most patients require a soft diet for the first few days after surgery. You will be able to shift back to your normal diet as you feel able. Before surgery, make sure you stock up on soft foods such as yogurt, broth, applesauce, mashed bananas, mashed potatoes, pudding, soft bread, rice, and flaky fish. Avoid anything spicy, crunchy, sticky, or hot.
Take Time Off from Work
For most procedures, we recommend taking two to three days to rest and heal at home. (Some surgeries require additional time off, which will be addressed at your initial appointment.) Make sure you request time off from work, and if needed, arrange to have someone help you with childcare and other activities around the house.
Dress Comfortably
Arrive at surgery wearing loose-fitting clothing. Avoid application of makeup or perfume. Feel free to bring earbuds to play music from your phone, should you desire.
Prepare for Minor Discomfort After Surgery
For the first couple of days of your recovery, you can expect some tenderness and soreness. Often, these symptoms can be resolved with over-the-counter remedies, which we recommend stockpiling before your surgery. If your doctor does prescribe a steroid or narcotic pain medication, fill that prescription before the day of your surgery.
Stop Smoking
To expedite recovery, try to avoid smoking for at least two weeks following your surgery.
Contact Us with Questions
With any further questions about how to prepare for surgery, contact Venice Periodontics & Implant Dentistry at (941) 497-5591.